Welcome to Rowena’s blog. Carlotta Snow might drop in from time to time, as well, with her unique perspective on crime.
It’s exciting to be writing this, letting you know about upcoming novels and stories. The newsletter will feature more information, so please ensure you sign up for it (you can unsubscribe at any time). I’ll also let you know about new releases from ZZ Adams, our co-conspirator in writing.
The free story, Ebb Tide, won an award in the Grenfell Henry Lawson competition. I hope you enjoy it. The other free story, Putting on a Brave Face, is a bit of fun.
My other job is as an education consultant in learning and memory, for children and adults. If you have questions about remediating Dyslexia, ADHD, or Dyspraxia, or need memory support for any other reason, you can post a question and I’ll be happy to answer. I was director of SPELD NSW and worked on the committee for many years. I also used to trade as The Working Memory Institute until I decided to spend more time writing. The books for sale are useful tools for helping students. The writing program comes with a free hour of Zoom tuition.
If you are curious about the beautiful art around A Cloud of Frozen Air, it is by the Australian award-winning industrial heritage artist, Jane Bennett. Click on the Artist link to see more of her work.